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IPSS - Institute of Psychotherapy & Social Studies UKCP Accreditation, IPSS Membership, CPD Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy within Contemporary Cultures, Languages and Social Identities


Thank you for contacting the IPSS regarding accreditation as an Adult Psychodynamic Psychotherapist. We do not accredit child psychotherapists.

The IPSS offers two routes to accreditation as a psychotherapist and registration with the UKCP: the main difference between the psychoanalytic and psychodynamic routes comprise the frequency of individual patient work and personal therapy. If you are better positioned to follow the psychoanalytic route, please refer to the information regarding this route available on this website.

The IPSS is a dynamic and forward-thinking organisation whose membership are actively engaged in Psychodynamic and psychosocial thinking and practice buoyed by CPD forums and other events. We are always pleased to hear from candidates who may like to join us, and actively support experienced psychotherapists moving forward with the accreditation process where appropriate.

Applications from all viable candidates, including international candidates, are welcomed, and encouraged - but the same published accreditation criteria apply to all. We strongly suggest that you carefully review our published accreditation criteria. This criteria is directly based on CPJA requirements. As such, the IPSS has limited flexibility regarding the interpretation of this criteria. Please note – We cannot predict the outcome of the application assessment beforehand, and submission of an application does not guarantee moving forward to later stages of the application process. International qualifications should offer broad parity with their UK equivalents. All candidates are responsible for deciding, in their own view, whether their international qualifications and experience meet these criteria.

Given the accreditation requirements, it is unlikely that any applicant with less than three years of direct patient work with their own individual clients/patients will be considered ready for accreditation as a psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapist.

The best applications are clear and concise, containing all salient assessment information whilst avoiding unnecessary material and superfluous detail. Evidence is required throughout the application process and may be verified as discretion demands. If you are completing the application electronically (we encourage you to do so) you should expand the allocated boxes to accommodate all the text you wish to include. Your application should be guided by all sections of our accreditation criteria in response to the specific questions presented in our application form. If you have not received feedback regarding your application within 28 days, please contact the IPSS administrator for an update.

Using our published accreditation criteria which is drawn from the CPJA Standards of Education and Training please aim to establish a clear sense of where you meet the criteria in full, and where, if needed, further work may be required. The information provided is comprehensive and complete.

Please do not send certificates, CVs, or other materials for inspection prior to your application unless you have a specific question concerning these with reference to your submission. The application itself is where we examine all submitted evidence. Please ensure ALL your application documents are sent to us in a single zip file and that all documents can be opened using standard windows 10 compatible apps such as MSWord and PDF viewers. Applications received as multiple files, photographs or unopenable documents will not be assessed until presented as described here. The best applications are clear, concise, and supported by verifiable evidence of experience and achievement. We look forward to receiving yours in due course.

If, having checked carefully, specific questions remain particular to your qualifications and experience that are not addressed in our published accreditation criteria, please request a call from our accreditation chair (or one of his colleagues) via our administrator, info@ipss-psychotherapy.co.uk providing a telephone number alongside some indication of your availability.

UKCP Accreditation

IPSS is registered as an accrediting body with UKCP and CPJA.

As an equal opportunities’ organisation, IPSS welcomes accreditation applications from all sections of the community, irrespective of gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, marital or partnership status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, age, or socio-economic factors.

Accreditation with IPSS leads to:

1. Full professional membership of the organisation

2. Entry to the CPJA (Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis) section of the UKCP register of psychotherapists as an ‘individual Psychodynamic psychotherapist’ working with adults.

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