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IPSS - Institute of Psychotherapy & Social Studies UKCP Accreditation, IPSS Membership, CPD Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy within Contemporary Cultures, Languages and Social Identities

IPSS Forums and CPD. Zoom Call

IPSS Forums

The IPSS Forum Committee organises for its members three forums a year with one on a Sunday. Some of these forums are online, others take place in Southwark. IPSS also issues CPD certificates which are acknowledged by UKCP.

The topics are carefully selected in relation to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Social Studies. Presenters of these forums are either IPSS members or invited speakers from the wider psychoanalytic community.

The forums are open to other psychotherapy organisations and interested psychotherapists, counsellors and trainees. You are warmly welcome.

Please get in touch if you want to promote or discuss a relevant topic or speaker with our administrator Paola Turner, info@ipss-psychotherapy.co.uk

Next Forum:

Dates of the next Forums:

IPSS Forum

Saturday 29th June 2024 at Neil’s Street Espresso, 34 Neal St, London WC2H 9PS
10:30 am - 1pm
This is an open discussion for members on the future of IPSS

We are looking forward to meeting you there.

Next AGM

The next IPSS AGM will take place on the 23rd November 2024 at the Guild of Psychotherapy

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